About Us

Democracy is worth fighting for.

Thriving Democracy was started by three Oregonians (two natives and a transplant) who believe that all Americans benefit when we, as voters, get to pick our government. That’s a nonpartisan, pro-democracy, law-and-order point of view we never thought would need public advocacy in the United States in the 21st century. But it does.

Lisa Adatto

When I was a kid, I went with my parents to Italy. One of my strongest memories is discovering tiny tubs of that most delicious treat: Nutella—a mix of chocolate and hazelnuts. It came with a little wooden paddle that you could use as a spoon. Yum! Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved creature comforts. As an adult, I had a marketing career and focused on persuading people to buy my company’s services. I liked getting to know my customers and strategizing about how my products could make their lives better.

Later in life, I began to use my skills to promote social causes; I focused on climate change and now on our right to vote. I don’t want to insult anyone or make them angry, but I believe, deep down, that people are much happier if they have influence over their government. Making sure our vote counts is worth fighting for. Let’s raise our glass to good beer and good Democracy!

Laura Rogers

As a child growing up in a little lumber town in the Western Cascades, I dreamed of swinging freely from the conifer trees. I built a rock bridge over the little creek near our home. The theme of building new ventures continued into adulthood when I grew to love collaborating with others as we built new businesses. Now, to celebrate the end of a busy day I relish a good glass of wine. Often in the company of cats.

Wynne Furth

My affection for our imperfect constitutional democracy and love of the western United States are of long standing – it started in public schools and was strengthened by living elsewhere – Peru, Fiji, Italy, Massachusetts. (All lovely places but I’m from here.) I spent my working life trying to make local government intelligible to everyone in the room so everyone could participate. Because that’s the way it works best.

I genuinely like beer. My preferred alternative to anything made by Anheuser-Busch is a pilsner made by an independent craft brewer, or sparkling water with a double shot of Som Tamarind Cordial. But I can definitely handle an IPA.